Assumptions Menu: Develop as a negotiator

Want to reflect on common assumptions we make about negotiations and our development as negotiators? Take the Assumptions Menu questionnaire.

What assumptions would you add to it?

Whether you think you can or think you can’t, you’re right

is one of my favorite quotes, attributed to Henry Ford. 💭

It sums up the importance of choosing our mindsets wisely, as they become self-fulfilling prophecies: assumptions shape our actions, actions shape our results, and results shape our assumptions. 🔄

The good news is that it is our choice to be VICTIM or AUTHOR.

a) challenge limiting mindsets (I am not able, my capabilities are fixed, I am a victim of the world and there is nothing I can do) and
b) adopt empowering mindsets (I can do it, I can improve, I am the author of my life and can work to shape the world) 🎯

If I don’t believe I can run a marathon, I am unlikely to train, or even to sign up for one – making my limiting belief a reality.

If I believe I can, I will sign up for a marathon, get a training plan and maybe a coach, join a running group, train well, eat well, rest well, start the marathon, hydrate, fuel up, persist… – and make my empowering belief a reality. 🏃‍🏃‍🏃‍

If I believe I cannot negotiate something, I am unlikely to prepare for it, or even to start negotiating.

If I decide I can, I will set appropriate goals, gather a team, develop capabilities, prepare, and work as necessary to achieve them. 💪

Let’s negotiate our ‘Negotiations Impossible’!

Negotiate like a pro with the Negotiation Canvas

Ready to negotiate like a pro? 🌟 Prepare systematically with the Negotiation Canvas 🔧

A one-pager summarizing the ‘Harvard Model’s seven elements’, with trigger questions to prepare any kind of negotiation.

Perhaps the only tool needed to dramatically improve negotiation results: quick to learn and powerful – a great return on investment. 🎯

Click here or the image to check the document with two examples for a generic job negotiation: very simple vs. more detailed. 💼

Happy negotiations! 🙌


Negotiation Role Plays Directory

Are you a negotiation trainer facilitating a workshop soon? Role play is a great tool for participants to practice new skills in a risk-free setting and obtain valuable feedback.

Want to find appropriate role plays for your upcoming workshop?

Check this free web app linking to a variety of sources (Harvard’s Program On Negotiation, Kellogg’s Dispute Resolution Research Center, Syracuse University’s E-PARCC, INSEAD, LKYSPP, etc.).

Search by keyword or use filters to find the most suitable case: topic, price per participant, learner level, number of roles/participants, time required, teaching notes (Yes/No), etc.

Scan the QR code, click the image, or click here to access the app.

Do contact us to share any feedback or suggested sources.

Boost negotiation skills with ChatGPT role plays

Role play is an amazing tool to practice interactions, especially in negotiations. But finding partners can be tough.

Enter ChatGPT! 🤖

ChatGPT can be our tireless 24/7 role play buddy, ready to play any role we need.

To make it easier to instruct ChatGPT, here is our Negotiation Role Play Generator (requires a Google account to create and edit your own copy).

Try it with your own negotiation challenge (or the job interview example) and let us know how to improve it.

Wish you insightful role plays and happy impact negotiations!

Negotiation Library: Nego Books app

Are you an avid reader seeking to enhance your negotiation skills? Look no further: use the Nego Books web app. Discover books that cater to your specific interests by searching through authors, topics, ratings, or key negotiation elements.

Uncover a vast collection of negotiation-related books, ensuring there’s something for everyone. To narrow down choices, you may want to prioritize books with higher ratings or higher number of reviews.

Wishing you enjoyable reads, productive learning, and tremendous success in your negotiations toward positive impact!

Scan the QR code, click the image, or click here to access the app.

Please use this form if you’d like to suggest any book to add or to remove, or to share other comments.


How Biotech Firms Can Improve Cross-Functional Collaboration

by Oliver Schiltz and Roger Lehman

Optimising the R&D-to-commercialisation handover process is crucial for the survival of young biotech companies.

While many sectors were dealt a punishing blow during the pandemic, Covid-19 ushered in a boom in the biotech industry. Biotech start-ups raised US$34 billion globally in 2021, double the figure in 2020, and the worldwide market size is expected to grow nearly 14 percent per year from 2022 to 2030.

But though the industry is flourishing, many smaller firms could remain one-trick ponies that only produce a single product, while others may never bring an asset to market. Indeed, around 90 percent of drug candidates fail to make it to the commercialisation stage.

Read the article at INSEAD Knowledge.

Fish! Multiparty online video game

To help online training participants practice and learn important negotiation concepts, we have developed the video game “Fish!”

While extremely simple and quick to play, its rules (which simulate real-world dynamics) challenge participants to maximize value in a multi-stakeholder setting. It can be played by one person alone, and up to as many as can fit the screen (3 to 5 players at a time are likely to provide the best learning experiences).

We look forward to having you in an online workshop soon to play with us!


Who’s Afraid of the Experience Economy?

by Benjamin Kessler, INSEAD Knowledge

Great brand experiences drive better business outcomes, during the pandemic and beyond.

Yet in Kobe’s experience, transitioning to the experience economy raises resistance in most established companies. Corporate leaders are uncomfortable reconfiguring so much of their business around something as fickle and unquantifiable as human emotion. That’s why he and Roger Lehman, a trained psychoanalyst, wrote Return on Experience, a monograph that alternates full-colour imagery of Eight Inc.’s most iconic projects with Q&A-style chapters exploring how and why great experiences improve business outcomes. Kobe and Lehman also delve into themes such as risk, complexity and empathy that are central to the experience economy.

Read the article at INSEAD Knowledge.

Purchase Return on Experience here.

LKYSPP’s role plays: public policy in Asia

UG Sujatha and Shruti Singh, with contributions from Nuno Delicado, wrote three new case studies (role plays) recently published by the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy (LKYSPP). The three cases are set in Asia and deal with different public policy challenges:
1. Corporate to corporate negotiations to access public land
2. Internal negotiations and relationship management inside a ministry
3. Government to government negotiations about a new vaccine to fight a pandemic

Below we include a summary of each case’s dynamics (from LKYSPP). They can all be accessed for free here at the LKYSPP Case Study Library. Copyright © 2021 LKYSPP (All rights reserved. Cases can only be used for teaching purposes). To obtain the corresponding Teaching Notes, please contact LKYSPP’s Case Study Unit (

1. Miracle Plant Rafflesia Keya
Party A: Lizer Pharmaceuticals
Party B: Moche Pharma
Lizer Pharmaceuticals and Moche Pharma, two leading global pharmaceutical companies, negotiate over a plantation of a prodigy plant with medicinal properties, Rafflesia Keya. The Indonesian Government has decided to open a small part of the forest where Rafflesia Keya is found. In the interest of supporting the development of life-saving drugs, the Indonesian Government has allowed both companies to negotiate with each other and come to a consensus on how to divide the licence to the land.

2. Future of Oneiro
Party A: Education Minister
Party B: Chief Secretary of the Education Ministry
This is a two-party, workplace negotiation role play set in the Ministry of Education of the fictitious Southeast Asian country of Oneiro. The parties are the Minister of Education and the Chief Secretary in the Ministry of Education. In recent times, there has been a lot of conflict between the two with respect to an upcoming policy regarding giving away free tablets to every rural household and has led to a zero-trust work environment.

3. Vaccine Diplomacy
Party A: Minister for Foreign Affairs of Jeewan
Party B: Foreign Affairs Minister of Elysia
It is the year of the biggest challenge that humanity has faced since the great world wars: the pandemic unleashed by a new strain of coronavirus. In the midst of a pandemic, vaccines are sought after globally. This is a multi-issue negotiation between two countries – Jeewan, which has developed the CORO-PROTECT vaccine, and Elysia, which hopes to manufacture the vaccine and procure it for its vulnerable population. Several variables are at play such as an upcoming election, the need for raw materials for the vaccine, production support, and other diplomatic considerations.

The Real Power of a Good Framework

by Hal Gregersen and Roger Lehman

The value isn’t in the order it imposes, but in the inquiry it elicits.

The transformations organizations have to make in this digital age have greatly increased their perceived levels of uncertainty. We’re in a period of change where people not only feel they don’t know the right answers, they aren’t even confident they are asking the right questions. So, the first job is helping teams get to the better questions that allow them to get to grips with the problem they need to solve. How do you get people thinking outside their current frame of reference, and seeing a problem space with new eyes? It turns out, based on our experience, just presenting people with a logical framework that is new to them dramatically changes the questions they ask.

Read the article at the DruckerForum.